13:45 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:20
Introduction: Maria Luisa ESPOSITO, AIE Project Officer
Welcome addresses:
• Mr Nikola DOBROSLAVIC, President of AIE
• Mr Željko Burić, Mayor of the Town of Šibenik
• Ms Lidija PANSEGRAU HADROVIĆ, Senior National Coordinator, Croatian EUSAIR Presidency, Croatian MFEA
• Mr Antonio VERRICO, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Cohesion Policy Dep.
• Ms Simona MAMELI, Head of Section Regional Cooperation, Italian MFAIC
14:20 – 14:40
Round Table 1 EU Opportunities for the Adriatic Ionian youth
Moderator: Ms Mira LEPUR, DEMY-Coop Project Manager, Udruga Emedea
• Mr Gilles KITTEL, Team Leader, DG REGIO IPA/EUSAIR/Accession Negotiations, EC
• Ms Maria Luisa ESPOSITO, Project Officer, AIE, DEMY-Coop Communication Manager
• Mr Natalino BARBIZZI, Gear Up! Project Manager, Marche Region (LP)
• Mr Brendon METUSHAJ, Student, Marche Polytechnic University
14:40 – 15:25
Round table 2 Youth engagement in the EUSAIR: Networking Talks
Moderator: Benjamin TENDZERIC-KNEZEVIC, Anthropologist, AIYN
• Mr Milan STOJANOVIC, Jr Expert in Circular Economy, WBAA
• Ms Milena PALLOTTA, Jr Expert in Cultural and Creative Industries, Giovanichimere
• Mr Rrahim JATA, Jr Expert in Communication, Let’s Do it! Albania
• Mr Daniele SABATO, Jr Expert in Social Digital Innovation
• Ms Suela TAHIRAJ, Jr Expert in Sustainable Tourism
• Representative of local Youth Organisation
The Round table will involve the AIYN member organisations as represented by: Rrahim JATA, Let’s Do it Albania (AL); Suela TEHIRAJ, Junior Expert in Sustainable Tourism(AL); Benajmin TENDZERIC-KNEZEVIC, Anthropologist (BA); Spyros KOURNOUTIS, Network of Youth Engagement (EL); Milena PALLOTTA, Giovanichimere (IT); Daniele SABATO, AIE IVY (IT); Maria Antonietta D’ALESSIO and Sabrina VARRIANO, Eurelations EEIG IVY (IT); Milica DEDIĆ, Vukajlo IVANOVIC and Teodora BRAJEVIC, NVO GLAS (ME); Dejan GALOVSKI, Atlantis ESC (MK); Milan STOJANOVIC, WBAA (RS); Maria Eleonora Vaglio, Youth (SM); Viliana VAKLINOVA, No Excuse Slovenia (SI).
15:25 – 15:30
Conclusions: Ms Maria Luisa ESPOSITO, AIE EU Project Officer
***Background – The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion (AIE) is happy to announce the VI Adriatic Ionian Youth Organisations Forum (AIYOF6) to take place in Šibenik (Croatia) in the framework of the 9th Annual EUSAIR Forum, in collaboration with the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, holding the AII/EUSAIR Presidency, the EUSAIR Facility Point, and with the active involvement of the Adriatic Ionian Youth Network ().
The AIYOF6 is aimed at capitalizing the youth-centred actions undertaken by the AIE under the AI-NURECC PLUS Initiative. Its goal is to advance in the creation of a youth engagement ecosystem to reduce the gap between Adriatic Ionian decision-makers and youth, while providing young people with the networks, connections, and skills that they need to contribute in shaping the future of the Adriatic Ionian Region. The event will illustrate concrete and accessible EU opportunities offered by two EU-funded projects that focus on youth engagement as part of a successful multi-level governance: the Interreg Italy-Croatia DEMY-Coop and the Gear Up! financed by the EU DEAR Programme.
The AIYOF6 will see the active participation of the Adriatic Ionian Youth Network (), the first transnational youth network in the region, committed to ensure deep and broad territorial coverage of the EUSAIR, to stimulate youth appropriation of EUSAIR goals and opportunities and to propose, structure, design and implement youth-led engagement, advocacy, awareness raising and capacity building actions.
The AIE-AIYN collaboration grew across the years and was crucial to collect youth perspectives and recommendations on the revision of the EUSAIR Action Plan, and to support youth participation to all youth-relevant EUSAIR events as well as in the recent EUSAIR Youth Council Consultations. Members of the AIYN also elaborated papers on youth perspectives about EUSAIR-relevant topics such as Sustainable Tourism, Circular Economy, Cultural and Creative Industries, Digital Social and Communication. These experiences and knowledge will be the basis for continuing reflecting and discussing about the role of youth in the EUSAIR.
Target audience – Delegates from Adriatic Ionian youth-led and youth-focused organisations and networks, young professionals, young academics and students, youth workers, youth advocates and other youth stakeholders. EU institutions, Macroregional actors and stakeholders including local and regional authorities, civil society organisations and citizens.